Visual Essay Rough Draft 

This visual essay delves into the issue of rapper mortality, drawing attention to the concerning trend within the music industry. Fueled by the impactful deaths of iconic figures like Biggie, Tupac, and, more recently, XXXTENTACION, the project aims to shed light on the neglected well-being and mental health of artists in the hip-hop genre. The intended audience is broad, targeting anyone who appreciates music and has a favorite artist. Through a visually striking collage or poster, the essay will feature images of departed rappers, snippets of their poignant lyrics, and fan perspectives via tweets. The central figure is XXXTENTACION, chosen for personal resonance and the awareness he brought to the issue.

Alyssa Elliott
Professor Skelly
ENGL 21001 Section L
14 October 2023

Visual Essay Rough Draft

Rapper mortality has been an ongoing issue in the music industry since the deaths of Biggie and Tupac. It has gone unnoticed or seen as a standard thing that happens to artists in the Hip Hop genre. In 2018 when rapper XXXTENTACION was murdered, it created a lot of uproar and discourse both on social media and in the industry. Fans were devastated and shocked, while fellow music artists were uneasy and calling for change. But like everything that circulates online, issues like rapper mortality fade away until something new grabs people’s attention. Ever since then I realized that rappers have been dying at an alarming rate ever since. Year after year it’s been a continuous cycle that has been very hard to break. On the outside looking in it may seem like a tragic coincidence or something that’s expected from people who constantly rap about death and drugs. But once you realize that artists in the hip-hop genre are heavily neglected when it comes to their well-being and mental health, it makes the pattern easier to understand.

My intended audience is anyone who has listened to music in general and has a favorite artist because of it. The reasoning behind this is that rapper mortality may be subjected to one genre at the moment, but realistically it can happen to any artist in the music industry. We all have favorite artists, but behind the music lies a reality we often overlook, which is the intense pressure musicians face. It’s not just about mourning lost talents; it’s about acknowledging the challenges in an industry that demands constant creativity and perfection. Recognizing these struggles is crucial in allowing us to empathize and support the artists we enjoy. It’s not just a concern for fans of one genre but for anyone who appreciates music. By understanding and supporting artists’ challenges, we can create an environment where creativity can come from a place of passion and not fear.

That’s why I want my visual essay to be something that you can just look at and automatically get what it’s about. What better way to do this through some kind of visual media like a poster or collage. In it I plan on including many things like photos of rappers who have been victims of rapper mortality and some of their song lyrics as well. There are small bits and pieces of information that I want to include in it about rapper mortality that gets the message about it across. Then I also want to add fans and other people perspectives on the issue such as tweets. The inclusion of the hands in a crowd is supposed to represent people of all ages and backgrounds coming together. To remember that even though these artists are no longer with us, their music and influence continue to resonate with us. My draft is kind of messy and all over the place, but I’ve written down most of the things I want to include. I’m still not sure if I want it to mainly be in black and white or in color. I also don’t know where I’m placing what but once I gather all the images and information that I need then I’ll be able to figure it out. I have rapper XXXTENTACION in the center because it was his death that impacted me the most and opened my eyes to rapper mortality.